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Schedules are subject to change. Please re-verify dates and times on MyShasta shortly before the class start.
Important Links: Orientation, Math and English placement, Immunizations, and general education information.
* Additional information about Campus Locations.
- Other Shasta County - a section-specific location, often a local high school (see the section's meeting information for specifics)
- SC Downtown - the Health Sciences building in downtown Redding, CA
- SC Intermountain - the Intermountain campus located in Burney, CA
- SC Main Campus - the main Redding campus
- SC Online -an online course which utilizes Canvas for instruction
- SC Tehama County - the Tehama campus located in Red Bluff, CA
- SC Trinity County - the Trinity campus located in Weaverville, CA
- (Find additional campus information Here.)
Campus Locations:
** Additional information about Instructional Methods.
- Lecture - (LEC) - a lecture class taught face-to-face at set times during the week.
- Internet Course Lecture - (WEBLE) - a lecture class taught fully online via Canvas where students can access the materials/lectures at any time throughout the week at their convenience.
- Online Lecture, Simultaneous - (WEB1) - synchronous lecture class taught by video conferencing to all students at the same time with interaction between students and instructors.
- Laboratory/Studio/Activity - (LAB) - face-to-face lab course for all other divisions with hands-on lab work of some type in science, agriculture, art, and most CTE courses.
- Internet Course Lab - (WEBLA) - a lab class taught fully online via Canvas where students can access the materials/lectures at any time throughout the week at their convenience.
- Online Lab, Simultaneous - (WEB3) - synchronous lab class taught by video conferencing to all students at the same time with interaction between students and instructors.
- Clinical Lab - (CLI) - face-to-face lab course for health science classes where the students are having their labs in a clinical setting, either on campus or at an offsite clinical site, such as a hospital.
- Internet Course Discussion - (WEBDI) - a discussion class taught fully online via Canvas where students can access the materials/lectures at any time throughout the week at their convenience.
- Online Discussion, Simultaneous - (WEB4) - synchronous discussion class taught by video conferencing to all students at the same time with interaction between students and instructors.
- Work Experience - (WRK) - Worksite Learning. A student signs up with an instructor to complete hours of work at a business/location that relates to the field of student study they are interested in. At the worksite, their supervisor communicates with the instructor to log hours the student completes. This can be paid or unpaid work.
Instructional Methods:
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NoneLocations:Offered:Offered:Location Session Cycle Yearly Cycle No sections match the current filters.-
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